November 11th Event. Thank you! ¡Gracias!

Many thanks to everyone who came out to see the latest films from The Trenton Project, support the film’s directors and stars, and participate in the discussion. Our event showcased four documentaries about the strong ties between Salcajá, Guatemala and Trenton and broadened their perspective to speak to different immigrant groups and communities in the city.

This semester’s films were made in close collaboration with young filmmakers in Guatemala, who filmed in Salcajá in early 2023. Later in the semester they provided production assistance and creative consultation to the Princeton undergraduate filmmakers. Saturday’s screening mirrored that international cross-border exchange. With the help of community partners in Guatemala, we were able to show the finished films simultaneously in Salcajá.

These screenings are always an opportunity to thank our participants and our audience. This year we did that in style, inviting five local Trenton caterers to come demonstrate their talents. Arm in Arm provided takeaway groceries for community members who could deliver food to someone in need. We’re grateful to Westminster Presbyterian Church and Pastor Karen Hernandez-Granzen for welcoming the conversation and setting the tone for the festivities. Our screening was organized in conjunction with the Princeton Program in Community-Engaged Scholarship and the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. Many thanks to Tania Boster, Dave Brown and Maria Lockwood. We were funded this year in part by the School for Public and International Affairs, SPIA-NJ.

Our next set of student films is scheduled for completion in May 2024. We hope you can join us then for the next The Trenton Project screening.
Purcell Carson